What is a Natural Way to Reduce Anxiety & Depression? A simple practice can help reduce anxiety and depression, according to Johns Hopkins physician Madhav Goyal. Learn more at: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/healthy_heart Video Rating: / 5
Depression affects millions of Americans. Drugs don’t always work. Now, there is a new alternative treatment that uses magnetic pulses on the brain. Video Rating: / 5
What’s involved in natural, holistic healing for digestive diseases (like Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis and IBS)? What are the steps involved along this Healing Journey? Jini Patel Thompson outlines how you have to eradicate pathogens from the gut, repopulate with good bacteria, heal the mucosal lining and bring digestive abilities up to normal. ALSO, first step: Go to my site and get my free Healthy Gut Guide – blue box, LHS on homepage. It has everything you need to get a handle on your gut and lots of free eBooks, teleseminars as part of the Guide: http://www.ListenToYourGut.com
DrVirtual7 Audio Programs
MP3 https://sellfy.com/p/HGXr/
By Activating Natural Healing Forces Pure Healing Energy
It Is Possible To Self Repair And Heals Everything Inside And Outside Of You.
By Using This Unique Exclusive State Of The Art Professional
Subliminal Program With Powerful InAudible Spoken Messages You Can Now Stay Well Self Repair While Doing Energy Healing And Transformation Work Which Is Of Importance
Healing Used In This Video Is Healing Touch, Your Mind, Your Smile And Voice As A Healing Presence And Your Feet To Heal Gaia Mother Earth. As You Listen, This Program Assists With Healing And Transforming All Time And Space, Galaxies, Dimensions, Portals, Black And Worm Holes.
Enhances Current Healing Abilities Opens New Insights And Abilities
Healing Is Now Multi-Verse Beyond Planetary
Your Presence Becomes A Healing Light For The Good Of All
Listening Instructions: One Or More Sessions Day Or Night For 21-49 Days.
Safe For Continuous Loop Headphones Are Optional
Does Not Contain Sound Frequencies Or Binaural- Isochronic Tones
DrVirtual7 audios are some of the most listened to in the matrix In the areas of spiritual awareness, self-empowerment, and personal development.
Medical marijuana provide relief from symptoms from dozens of health conditions, with minimal negative side effects, according to new research…….
The materials and the information contained on AJA Ancestral Healing channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
AJA Ancestral Healing provides relevant information and tips on the usage of natural remedies to prevent, treat and heal ailments. The channel is named after AJA, the Orisha patron of the forest and all animals within it. AJA holds the secrets of botany, and is a master of potions and healing herbs. She passed this skill to the Yoruban people, who practice her craft to this very day.
_____________________________________________________________ Video Rating: / 5
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can be managed with Ayurvedic Medicine effectively. In this video, i discuss a small part of my protocol for healing this condition.
This video is for the purpose of sharing information only and it not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or symptom. Always consult a doctor before taking herbal supplements, making dietary changes, or engaging in any therapeutic procedures.
This video and its content is copyrighted Video Rating: / 5
The Mederi Centre for Natural Healing is a wholistic healing clinic located in Ashland, Oregon. Learn more about our clinic and our practitioners, Donnie Yance and Susan Saccomanno, in this short video. Video Rating: / 5
HEY GUYS This video is all about Skin Whitening Natural remedy ,how to treat Dark Spots & pigmentation Treatment at home.This is excellent for hyper pigmentation treatment, fighting against signs of aging, if you have marks of pimples & deep acne left over scars this helps to vanish them within a weeks time.
Do this daily for a week to see the tremendous results.I am surprised how it takes care of my skin & quickly removes marks from my face.Whenever I have acne break out on my skin I use this to vanish & lighten my skin to get rid of those dark spots,the damage caused by sun also can be easily removed using this magical mask.
Use it daily for 30 minutes, leave it on your skin, you can also massage your face with this mask for 15 -20 minutes in circular motion to treat uneven skin tone & dark patches on skin & wash with tab water after it, with in a weeks time you will have brighter clear spotless skin.
Adding essential oil (rosemary or lavender )2 drops will work good for dry skin & people with sensitive nose to tolerate the onion pungent smell.I like to just use this whenever I feel I need to clear my skin from the scars & other skin problems to get that clear bright skin.This is easy to make & easy to use at home.Enjoy.
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PS: All Products Shown,mentioned In this video are bought by me unless otherwise mentioned.All thoughts expressed are my own.I use the products that I really love & I hope my videos help you in some way to find the solution of your beauty needs. Much Love.Jo Video Rating: / 5
Learn eating be healthy with our given diet chart and diet plan
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1. Cotton Patti Set (सूती कपड़े का सेट)
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2. ROGO SE BACHAV BOOKS (रोगो से बचाव किताब)
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3. Natural Life Style Combo Set (प्राकृतिक जीवन शैली कॉम्बो सेट)
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6. Swasthya Kai Mul Siddhant Combo Set (स्वस्थ्य के मूल सिद्धांत किताब कॉम्बो सेट)
6. https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-Style-Swasthya-Siddhant/dp/B06W58RQYG/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1547804267&sr=8-5&keywords=natural+lifestyle+mohan+gupta
7. Natural Life Style – Eats & Drinks(Combo of 2) Paperback – 2014
7. https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-Style-Drinks-Combo/dp/B06XC8M8M3/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1547713074&sr=8-6&keywords=natural+life+style
The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should Not be considered as professional advice.We are not a licensed professionals or a medical practitioner so always consult with your professional consultants or doctor in case you need.
This video is only for General Information Purpose and based on our own Experience. This remedy is not suitable for everyone or is not right in all situations. Any information provided in this video should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by a local beauty, diet and health care professionals. Video Rating: / 5
All women have their insecurities when it comes to their looks and appearance. Having a well-shaped body with the perfect breast is what all girls dream about. We must not forget that breasts are made up of fatty tissues and glands hence crash dieting and unhealthy habits take a toll on them.
Many go into a crash diet to reduce attain that perfect body but in the process tend to disregard their health which takes a toll on your appearance. Breast feeding and Crash dieting is a prime reason that causes your breasts to sag. Excessive smoking must be stopped to maintain your good looks.
How to Use Olive Oil and Lemon for Breast Tightening:
This is the easiest method for applying olive oil on your breasts. It reverses any damage caused, like drying of the fatty tissues; it prevents sagging and improves the skin tone and texture. Follow the procedure to tighten them up.
• Pour a generous amount of olive oil and Lemon mixture onto your palms and rub them together.
• This generates heat.
• Massage your breasts by rubbing your palms over your breasts in an upward motion.
• This must be done in the upward motion only.
• Gently massage your breasts for about 10 minutes to increase blood flow.
• This also stimulates cell repair.
• Repeat this remedy at least 7 or 8 times per week.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this channel and its video is for educational purpose and should not be considered as professional advice. We are not a licensed professionals or a medical practitioner and as such always consult your doctor or professional consultants in case you need to.
This video is only for educational/general purpose and it’s also base on our own knowledge and experience. The remedy provided is not suitable for everyone or is not right in all situations, any information provided in this video should not be considered as substitute for prescription suggested by a professional.
Learn how to make a charcoal poultice for toxins, a castor oil compress for fibroids, natural cough syrup, how to use potato for inflammation, cayenne pepper for your thyroid and much more! Video Rating: / 5