Archive for the tag: Diet

Inilah Tips Diet Setelah Melahirkan | Hidup Sehat Ala Ibu Menyusui

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Problematika setiap ibu-ibu setelah melahirkan adalah tentang berat badan yang sulit kembali. Nah pas banget nih kali ini SKWAD Fitness akan memberikan tips untuk diet setelah melahirkan.

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Sinubukan mo naba magdiet? | Food is Life | say no to Diet!

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Video Rating: / 5

Is Diet Soda Bad For You?

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Researchers have found links between artificial sweetener consumption and Type 2 diabetes, dementia & other conditions. This latest study found a link between drinking diet sodas and having a heart attack or stroke.

For more information:

If you’re trying to reduce sugar and calories in your diet, you may want to turn to artificial sweeteners or other sugar substitutes. Some of those alternatives, however, are linked to an increase in certain diseases, including dementia and Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Brandy Patterson explains in this segment of “Straight Talk MD.”

Hi, welcome to “Straight Talk MD.” I’m Dr. Brandy P. There are many foods and beverages available today that bill themselves as healthier alternatives. Chief among them– diet sodas. These artificially sweetened drinks are typically lower in calories than regular soda.

But now that these products have been available for a while, we’ve had a chance to investigate the long-term impacts of consumption. We now know that they are far from healthy. The artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks, saccharin and aspartame, for example, have already been linked with an increase in dementia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes.

The population based women’s health initiative, which examined causes of morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal women, is shedding light on yet another risk of consuming artificial sweeteners. This study, followed postmenopausal women, ages 50 to 79, for almost 12 years. Those with no history of diabetes or heart disease, but who drank two or more artificially sweetened 12 ounce beverages per day had a significantly increased risk of clot based strokes, heart attacks, and early death.

The risk was highest among those women who were obese and/or African-American. After controlling for lifestyle factors, the study found that women who consumed two or more artificially sweetened beverages each day were 31% more likely to have a clot based stroke, 29% more likely to have heart disease, and 16% more likely to die from any cause than women who drank diet beverages less than once a week or none at all.

Although this particular study included postmenopausal women only, I believe that there is enough evidence from this and previous studies to conclude that consuming more than two artificially sweetened beverages per day is just not a healthy option for anyone. That doesn’t mean you should make the switch back to regular soda. Those are loaded with unhealthy sugars and corn syrup.

Instead, try adding some fresh fruit, like a lemon or a lime to a glass of water or sparkling water. Break that soda habit. I know you can do it. And you’re going to be better off for it. Thanks for watching this segment of “Straight Talk MD.”
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Dr. Bhavish Aubeelauck, internal medicine, shares the scary truth about diet soda. Just because it’s diet, doesn’t make it healthy.
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Diet Mengikut Jenis Darah

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Diet Mengikut Jenis Darah

Nak kurus? Nak sihat? Nak cantik?
Jom follow diet pemakanan mengikut jenis darah…..

Cor Nadi Wellness Centre


Ia adalah tahap permulaan (basic) dalam menjaga tahap kesihatan badan kita, internal and external.

Senang ke senang?

Tahukan anda yang deria rasa kita (lidah) akan hilang rasa makanan berkenaan apabila kita tak lagi merasainya selepas 14 hari.

Boleh boleh…pasti boleh

Health is Wealth

Menjaga kesihatan adalah perkara yang utama, tiada dua tiada tiga.

Saksikan video cara mudah menjaga tahap kesihatan diri anda.


Benarkah kita harus makan sesuai dengan golongan darah kita? Apa sih bedanya diet untuk golongan darah O dan golongan darah A?

Video series “Bahas Diet” dari SKWAD How To’s akan membahas semua tipe diet yang populer di Indonesia. Supaya kamu, dapat memilih tipe diet apa yang cocok bagi kamu

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Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet Book

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The incidence of Type Two Diabetes has doubled in the U.S. over the past decade. Excess weight suppresses the body’s ability to use insulin. So, the best chance to slow the trend is to get more Americans serious about losing weight.
Mayo Clinic has a book that can give you a fighting chance.
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Which is more significant for losing weight?
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Seminit bersama HANI adalah klip video pendek mengenai tips-tips untuk ibu menyusu. sila ‘subscribe’ youtube chanel HANI untuk lebih banyak tips. SIla layari kalau nak order pam atau hubungi HANI di talian 0132966625. TERIMA KASIH, MUAH CIKED!!

cara diet ibu menyusui. diet sehat ibu menyusui.


Hai teman-teman ibu menyusui.. ini aku sahre tentang trik diet saat ibu masih menyusui. intinya diet lah secara sehat, memcukupi nutrisi harian ibu dan menungkatkan kualitas asi buat si dede bayi.

ibu menyusui boleh Diet. tapi tetap menggunakan pola diet sehat dan penting bagi ibu menyusui untuk teteap memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi diri sendiri saat menyusui.

semua data medis yang saya share ini di review oleh Dr. Le Thi My Duyen dan ditulis kembali oleh Arinda Veratamala.

sumber :website Hello Sehat

jangan lupa LIKE & SUBSCRIBE nya yah. saran dan kritik kalian buat channel saya ini. semoga kedepan nya bisa jadi channel yang lebih baik lagi.

terima kasihh, tonton sampai habis yah Dear. semoga bermanfaat dan tetap diet sehat bonus langsing.


salam sehat,
YeniFrindy AnggrainiUsman
Video Rating: / 5

The Instinct Diet: Susan B. Roberts

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The Instinct Diet: Susan B. Roberts

Satisfying our hardwired instincts has been critical to our survival for as long as we have been human. That’s why we eat when food is available, choose the most calorie-dense foods, and hate the feeling of hunger. Today, these same drives are leading millions down the path of obesity. But Dr. Susan B. Roberts, an internationally recognized nutrition researcher at Tufts University, shows how to turn our food instincts into an engine for permanent, healthy weight loss.

The Instinct Diet—the “I” diet—is a pleasure to follow: a diet based on impeccable research, a diet where the dieter never goes hungry, a diet that’s unequivocally healthy, thoroughly grounded in the metabolic, genetic, and psychological workings of the human body. Essentially, it shows how you can control the controls. Through its focus on delicious, deeply satisfying dishes like Orange Crumbed French Toast, Pork and Lemongrass Soup, Watercress and Citrus Salad with Parmesan Toast, and Chocolate Bread Pudding, plus proven behavioral modifications (Dr. Roberts is a professor of nutrition and professor of psychiatry), the diet is a fat-burning marvel. At Tufts, 85 percent of participants in Dr. Roberts’ research program lost 10 to 50 pounds in the first six months, and 90 percent of them kept the weight off for at least a year. The Instinct Diet shares everything learned by Dr. Roberts over 17 years and more: better ways to lose weight whatever you eat; also a three-stage diet plan; over 100 recipes; eight weeks of menus (with vegetarian and “non-cook” options throughout); and dozens of ideas and strategies for how to retrain our bodies—how to combat the “Gulping Syndrome,” use the “Sandwich Technique,” why tapping your forehead is an emergency measure to reduce food cravings, and more.
Video Rating: / 5

March 11, 2009
Dr. Susan Roberts
Human Nutrition Center on Aging, Tufts University

Obesity, overweight, and related medical problems remain at epidemic levels. Sixty-five percent of the adult population and 33% percent of children are classified as overweight or obese, and approximately 10% of total U.S. medical expenditures are for health problems related to excess weight. Thus, obesity reduction is an urgent national priority from the perspectives of both health and the economy. Weight reduction is also a personal priority for many Americans, with 51% of adults in national surveys reporting efforts to lose weight within the past year.

Dr. Roberts discusses effective and ineffective approaches to weight loss. She highlights widely used gimmicks associated with popular diets that are ineffective for weight loss and hamper individual efforts to prevent weight regain. This presentation focuses on individual decision-making and responsibility in making sensible food and activity choices for weight control.

10 Day Detox Diet Recipes – Raw Kale Salad Recipe

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10 Day Detox Diet Recipes – Raw Kale Salad Recipe from Dr Mark Hyman.

Get Dr Mark Hyman’s 10 Day Detox Diet:

The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook:

The Blood Sugar Solution:

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Massaging finely chopped kale with lemon and olive oil breaks down the kale’s stiffness and bitterness, leaving you with tender greens bursting with flavor. Don’t skimp on the chopping! Not having to chew through large pieces of raw kale increases your eating pleasure. From The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook.

Dr. Hyman’s revolutionary weight-loss program, based on the #1 New York Times bestseller The Blood Sugar Solution, supercharged for immediate results!
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is maintaining low insulin levels. Based on Dr. Hyman’s groundbreaking Blood Sugar Solution program, THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET presents strategies for reducing insulin levels and producing fast and sustained weight loss.

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