Natural Healing for Colitis, Crohns, IBS, Diverticultis - Using 100% natural methods
What’s involved in natural, holistic healing for digestive diseases (like Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis and IBS)? What are the steps involved along this Healing Journey? Jini Patel Thompson outlines how you have to eradicate pathogens from the gut, repopulate with good bacteria, heal the mucosal lining and bring digestive abilities up to normal. ALSO, first step: Go to my site and get my free Healthy Gut Guide – blue box, LHS on homepage. It has everything you need to get a handle on your gut and lots of free eBooks, teleseminars as part of the Guide:

Jun Matsumoto Natural Therapy Office
Spontaneous healing of a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.