Archive for September, 2024

Dietetics | By Prof. B. Srilakshmi | Best Book For Dietetics

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Dietetics | By Prof. B. Srilakshmi | Best Book For Dietetics


• Multi-colour edition with improvised figures.
• New version of an outstanding textbook catering to international segments.
• Covers 25 chapters and 16 appendices in a simple and lucid language.
• Exhaustive and up-to-date exposition of nutrition and food requirements during different stages of life cycle and during various disease conditions
• Describes in detail the nutritional and food requirements for adults, infants, children, adolescents and ageing persons.
• Highlights the correct diet in cases of fever, obesity, anaemia, diabetes, mellitus, ulcers, food sensitivity and diseases of the gastrointestinal disorders, heart, liver and kidneys.
• Food is valued not only for its nutritive value but also for its health value. The role of functional foods is discussed in all the chapters.
• All topics are explained in simple and systematic manner, supported by relevant illustrations, and tables.
• Suggested readings and questions are provided at the end of each chapter.

Dietetics is authored by eminent author Prof. B. Srilakshmi and is published by one of the leading publishers, NEW AGE International Publishers.

This latest Multicolour Edition of the book is intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Dietetics and Nutrition. The book is recommended by various Home Science Colleges across the country. This is one of the best selling books on Dietetics and can be used as a ready reckonor by practicing dietitians and as a reference book by medical and paramedicals.

Prof. B. Srilakshmi, an MSc, M.Ed. and MPhil has a long teaching experience at college level in the field of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics. She was also programme in-charge for MSc Dietetics and Food Service Management conducted by IGNOU.

She is pioneer in writing textbooks and has authored a number of books published by New Age International Publishers on Food Science and Nutrition Science.

Click below to Buy this latest edition for your Golden Future:-


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Write a letter to your mother about your illness | Informal letter writing | Easy and simple format

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How to write a letter to your mother? Basic letter writing format. Simple letter to mother.

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Intermitten Fasting, Metode Diet Puasa

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Intermitten Fasting, Metode Diet Puasa

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Berbagai macam cara dilakukan mereka yang ingin menurunkan berat badan. Salah satunya adalah intermittent fasting.

Berbeda dengan metoda diet lainnya, diet puasa ini lebih memperhatikan waktu makan, dibanding jenis makanan yang dimakan. Lalu seperti apa cara menerapkan diet puasa? Berikut liputannya!

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