The blood group diets are fashion in the western world. It is not practical for many reasons. According to that diet O positive people beef is more suitable. But being in India we donβt eat beef. Vegetarians donβt eat meat for any reason. So it is not a suitable answer for them. In India we follow variety of food groups. India has soil which is fertile for all the variety of foods which are available throughout the world. We have very cold climatic conditions in the north and we have very hot climatic conditions in the middle of the country and very humid conditions towards Kanyakumari and hilly places. We have more varieties of food than any other country. In India we cannot strictly follow the blood group diet. It is better to follow what our ancestors have followed and what are known in our region. So stay healthy.
Is eating for your blood type is a popular idea, but is it a good idea? Dr. Barnard joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll with new research.
Plus, he answers your question: “Can my cholesterol be too low?” Video Rating: / 5
5 Diet Ekstrem ala Artis Korea untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Cepat (Pola Makan) | Stylo.ID
stylo indonesia
hello stylovers. diet untuk menurunkan berat badan memang banyak dicari oleh orang-orang yang ingin mengubah tampilannya jadi lebih langsing / proporsional. salah satu cara diet yang sering dicari adalah diet ala korea.
diet ala korea memang terbukti ampuh untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat, karena banyak artis korea yang melakukannya.
dari banyaknya diet ala korea, kali ini stylo membuat kumpulan diet ala artis korea yang terbukti ampuh pada artis tersebut.
perlu diingat, diet ini nggak untuk dicontoh ya stylovers, karena diet ini ekstrem dan cukup berbahaya jika tidak dikonsultasikan dulu dengan dokter.
5 Diet Ekstrem ala Artis Korea untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Cepat (Pola Makan) | Stylo.ID
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