Archive for August, 2020

Child Paralyzed With Rare, Mysterious Illness | Wednesday Checkup

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Child Paralyzed With Rare, Mysterious Illness | Wednesday Checkup

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A disease is causing children to be paralyzed and the CDC has more questions than answers. On this week’s Wednesday Checkup, we are covering the rare and mysterious Acute Flacid Myelitis. In this episode, you’ll find out all the info we do have on the illness as well as what you can do to protect yourself and your kiddos.

Huge thanks to Chasing The Cure Live for sponsoring this episode! Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow Aug 8th @ 9pm EST/ 6pm PST pon TNT/TBS for the season premiere!

For Further Reading:
Chasing the Cure:

If you have an idea of something you want me to cover in-depth, please let me know because I take your requests seriously. We will be back with more Doctor Reacts Series, Memes, & Responding to Comments so please submit more names of shows/episodes & questions you’d like for me to watch. Love you all!

– Doctor Mike Varshavski

Please SUBSCRIBE for new videos every Sunday 11am EST ▶

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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional professional **
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Positive Aura Cleanse | Powerful Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing | Chakra Music

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Positive Aura Cleanse | Powerful Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing | Chakra Music

Positive Aura Cleanse | Powerful Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing. This Chakra Music is based on 528Hz Miracle Tone which is one of the most powerful healing frequencies.

The picture featured here is a called Flower of Life. It is believed to represent the cycle of creation and how we all life came from one singular source. It is regarded as one of most sacred patterns in the universe as similar patterns are found in atomic structures to planetary arrangements and everything in between.

Know about 528Hz here :

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved.

Healing Music for Meditation & Sleep

#MeditativeMind #528Hz #HealingMusic

Healthy Chinese Food? I What The Heck Are You Eating I Everyday Health

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In this episode of What The Heck Are You Eating, created and hosted by Joy Bauer, Joy gives a history lesson on how Chinese food became so popular in America. So can this fast-food favorite be healthy? Joy Bauer tells you what to stay away from and how to navigate a typical Chinese menu.

What The Heck Are You Eating? With Joy Bauer
Joy Bauer, the resident nutrition expert for NBC’s Today show, knows how and what Americans like to eat. On ‘What The Heck are You Eating’ Joy embarks on a myth-busting mission to inspire her audience to think differently about food.

Joy Bauer
Joy Bauer provides health, food and diet-related information to millions of users as a contributor to and the Today Show. Her mission is to improve the health of our nation. Her weekly show, “What the Heck are you Eating?” will premiere on Everyday Health’s YouTube channel. Joy’s official website,, and her mobile application are both published by Everyday Health.

Joy Bauer

Everyday Health is your No. 1 resource for health and wellness advice. We make it fun and easy to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. Subscribe now and start feeling better — every day.

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Healthy Chinese Food? I What The Heck Are You Eating I Everyday Health
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The Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet - What To Eat Every Day

My guide “5 Steps to Adding 10 Years to Your Life with Chinese Medicine” is completely free, which you can download right here ➔

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If you want to get even more strategies and tips on living longer with natural medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, you can subscribe right here on my website:
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