Archive for December, 2019

Diet Mengikut Jenis Darah

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Diet Mengikut Jenis Darah

Nak kurus? Nak sihat? Nak cantik?
Jom follow diet pemakanan mengikut jenis darah…..

Cor Nadi Wellness Centre


Ia adalah tahap permulaan (basic) dalam menjaga tahap kesihatan badan kita, internal and external.

Senang ke senang?

Tahukan anda yang deria rasa kita (lidah) akan hilang rasa makanan berkenaan apabila kita tak lagi merasainya selepas 14 hari.

Boleh boleh…pasti boleh

Health is Wealth

Menjaga kesihatan adalah perkara yang utama, tiada dua tiada tiga.

Saksikan video cara mudah menjaga tahap kesihatan diri anda.


Benarkah kita harus makan sesuai dengan golongan darah kita? Apa sih bedanya diet untuk golongan darah O dan golongan darah A?

Video series “Bahas Diet” dari SKWAD How To’s akan membahas semua tipe diet yang populer di Indonesia. Supaya kamu, dapat memilih tipe diet apa yang cocok bagi kamu

SKWAD HOW TO’s memberikan video-video tutorial sehari-sehari yang mudah diikuti.
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I'm Sick, Deal With It.. 20-3 S&D Commentary

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It turned out brutal but I did my best in the time frame, Lots of cold medicine doesn’t mix with commentaries!

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Introduction to Healing Touch with Sue Kagel, RN, BSN, CHTP/I, HNC

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An interactive introduction to Healing Touch with Sue Kagel, RN, BSN, CHTP/I, HNC produced by the University of Arizona, College of Nursing.
Video Rating: / 5

Vitamin D and Omega-3s Impact on Chronic Disease Prevention Video – Brigham and Women’s Hospital

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JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, Principal Investigator, VITAL Main Study and Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital describes the goals of the vitamin D and omega-3 Trial (VITAL) trial. VITAL is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 26,000 participants investigating whether taking daily dietary supplements of vitamin D (about 2000 IU) or fish oil (about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids) reduces the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke in people without a prior history of these illnesses.

Secondary goals of the VITAL trial include study of the role of vitamin D and omega-3s in improving cognitive function, preventing diabetes and reducing the risk of developing insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

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Read the video transcript for Vitamin D and Omega-3s Impact on Chronic Disease Prevention at:

A commentary by Mayo Clinic Nephrologist Rajiv Kumar, M.D., in the current issue of the journal Kidney International suggests that Vitamin D may improve the treatment of renal disease. Dr. Kumar says that while larger clinical trials are needed, he believes doctors should start treating patients with diabetes who have low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin (the active form of vitamin D) with vitamin D3 to help slow down the progression of kidney damage. Dr. Kumar cautions that more research is needed and that patients should always consult their doctors before consuming vitamin D supplements on their own.