Archive for May, 2019

Full Chakra Healing ~ Spa Music w/ Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones (ZEN, REIKI)

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Free Meditation Music Presents ~ Chakra Healing

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This audio features relaxing ambient music layered with specific binaural frequencies and isochronic tones to heal and balance each of the main 7 chakras. The audio begins in the root chakra and plays for a half hour through each chakra and ending at the crown.

Frequency Information:

The audio begins in the ROOT CHAKRA where the binaural carrier frequency is 228 hz. and the isochronic tone carrier frequency is 456 hz. The isochronic and binaural pulse is set to 8 hz. The Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra is Muladhara and it is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with the color red and deals with survival and the right to exist. It is related to the material and physical word.

Next the audio focuses on the SACRAL CHAKRA. The binaural carrier frequency is 303 hz. while the isochronic carrier frequency is 606 hz. with both having a pulse frequency of 9 hz. This chakra is associated with the color orange and has a Sanskrit name of Svadisthana. It is located below the navel in the lower abdomen area. This chakra is connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings, the ability to be social and intimacy issues.

The third chakra is the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. With a binaural carrier frequency of 182 hz. and a isochronic carrier frequency of 364 hz. both tones have a pulse of 10 hz. The Sanskrit name is Manipura and the color is yellow. This chakra is located above the navel in the stomach area. The chakra is linked to personal power and the right to think. It is associated with balance of intellect, self-confidence and ego power as well as the ability to have self-control and humor.

Fourth is the HEART CHAKRA which is known in Sanskrit as Anahata and is associated with the color green. The Binaural Beat carrier frequency is 128 hz. and the isochronic tone carrier frequency is 256 hz. Both share a pulse frequency of 10.5 hz. Located in the center of the chest the chakra deals with relationships and the right to love. Center to this chakra are love, forgiveness, compassion, the ability to have self-control and acceptance of oneself.

The THROAT CHAKRA known in Sanskrit as Visuddha is associated with the color blue and located in the throat region. This chakra deals with relationships and the right to speak. Learning to express oneself and one’s beliefs (truthful expression) as well as the ability to trust and loyalty are key to this Chakra. This chakra is know to be over Organization and planning. The audio uses a binaural beat carrier frequency of 192 hz. with a isochronic tone carrier frequency of 384 hz. The pulse frequency used is 12 hz.

The next Chakra in the audio is the 3RD EYE CHAKRA. The pulse frequency used is 13 hz. with a binaural carrier frequency of 144 hz. and an isochronic carrier frequency of 288 hz. This chakra known in Sanskrit as Anja and is located between the eyes in the forehead. Associated with the color indigo this chakra deals with intuition and the right to “see.” Major points of this chakra are trusting one’s intuition and insights, developing one’s psychic abilities, Self-realization and Releasing hidden and repressed negative thoughts.

The last chakra is the Crown Chakra known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara and located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with the color violet and deals with knowingness and the right to aspire. Dedication to the divine consciousness and trusting the universe; Learning about one’s spirituality; Our connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence; Integrating one’s consciousness and subconsciousness into the superconsciousness are all major concepts dealing with the Crown Chakra. The carrier frequency for the binaural beat is 216 hz. and the carrier frequency for the isochronic tone is 432 hz. The frequency share a pulse of 15 hz.

The binaural beat provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.
Video Rating: / 5

Golden Milk: A Tasty Drink with Healing Superpowers

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In today’s video, you will find out more about golden milk, what its benefits are and how to prepare it in your daily life.

Of Indian origin and intense yellow coloration, golden milk has won the affection of everyone that desires a healthier life.

Full of nutrients and beneficial properties for our body, it is made from a mixture of milk, (animal or vegetable origin), turmeric and other ingredients, which can vary according to the recipe, such as:

Honey, ginger, cinnamon, coconut oil, ghee and even black pepper.

Each of these ingredients offers benefits for the body, for those who want to lose weight and for those who desire a healthier life.

But what makes it so special? Turmeric.

In order to get these benefits, you must consume 8g of curcuma per day, which is about a tablespoon.

Are you curious to try this drink? Write down the ingredients:


1 tablespoon of honey;
1 teaspoon of turmeric;
1/4 teaspoon of ginger (powder);
1/4 teaspoon of cardamom (powder);
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (powder);
2 tablespoons of boiling water;
2 cups of coconut milk (or almond milk).


In a medium bowl, mix the honey, turmeric, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon. Mix well. Then, add the boiling water and stir to dissolve the honey. Add the milk. Stir and serve it.

With a few changes in the ingredients, you can adapt the drink to your personal taste, because all the suggested ingredients are good for your health.

But remember, pay attention to the thermogenic ingredients like cinnamon and ginger, they are not recommended for those who have high blood pressure and many people should not consume them before going to sleep, because they can affect your ability to sleep.

But overall, golden milk is safe and well tolerated by the body.

It is recommended that your consumption does not exceed three times a day. Pregnant women and infants should avoid it, as well as anyone who has gallstones, ulcers or stomach hyperacidity.

If you do decide to include it in your daily routine to lose weight it is good to keep in mind that it does not work miracles and it is more widely used for health issues.


For more information and references, check the article on our blog:

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
Video Rating: / 5

This exciting documentary deals with a natural medicine/drug called Ayahuasca .. which is a mix of leafs and roots – used by indigious people for natural healing, rebalancing all body/soul/systems and “Ego-issues” and known for a very long time. No factory, no lab…pure nature!

Don’t do drugs, especially no pharma-indrustrial waste!

10 Day Detox Diet Recipes – Raw Kale Salad Recipe

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10 Day Detox Diet Recipes – Raw Kale Salad Recipe from Dr Mark Hyman.

Get Dr Mark Hyman’s 10 Day Detox Diet:

The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook:

The Blood Sugar Solution:

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Massaging finely chopped kale with lemon and olive oil breaks down the kale’s stiffness and bitterness, leaving you with tender greens bursting with flavor. Don’t skimp on the chopping! Not having to chew through large pieces of raw kale increases your eating pleasure. From The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook.

Dr. Hyman’s revolutionary weight-loss program, based on the #1 New York Times bestseller The Blood Sugar Solution, supercharged for immediate results!
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is maintaining low insulin levels. Based on Dr. Hyman’s groundbreaking Blood Sugar Solution program, THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET presents strategies for reducing insulin levels and producing fast and sustained weight loss.

For more info:

How I'm Healing My Hashimoto's Naturally

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The video is long, I didn’t want to short-change you! But there are timestamps below with all the topics, so you can just click on whichever topic that interests you.
Watch more Hashimoto’s Healing Updates here:
The conventional “wisdom” says that Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is incurable. I strongly disagree and have decided to cure myself naturally. 20% of Hashimoto’s cases resolve without any kind of intervention! Why is nobody talking about it? I’m not taking any medication and instead focus on natural supplements and herbs, healing food, and lifestyle changes. I’m super excited to share with you my holistic healing strategy that has taken me from completely lethargic and tired and achy beyond words to increasingly helpful and full of energy in just a couple of months. I feel more and more alive, my energy has stabilized, my skin is the healthiest it’s ever been, and life is good! My thyroid has definitely woken up and taken me for a wonderful ride that is called life! If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, hypothyroid, or any other autoimmune conditions, I really hope you’ll find this video inspiring and helpful. If you know anyone who is struggling and going through the same thing, share this video with them! Perhaps it will give them the so necessary push and ideas. Let’s support and look after each other!
#hashimotos #hypothyroidism #selfhealing

All of the healing steps I’m taking:
02:51 Looking at Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis holistically
03:28 My 3-Prong Approach to Healing
04:13 Balancing Sex Hormones (Estrogen Dominance, DIM)
06:18 Selenium
06:58 Zinc
07:38 Magnesium
08:58 Calcium Restriction and Magnesium/Calcium Ratio
10:00 Reducing Cortisol with Adaptogenic Herbs
12:37 Improving Digestion (Low Stomach Acid, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive Bitters, Betaine HCl + Pepsin)
15:50 Staying Off Gluten
17:04 Clean Diet (Close to The Perfect Health Diet)
17:45 Metabolism Boosting Yoga
18:28 Exercising Only When My Body Craves It
19:14 Leading A Healthy and Relaxed Lifestyle
19:39 Getting Enough Quality Sleep
20:10 Meditaiion
21:02 Positive Affirmations (Louise Hay)
22:21 Staying Away From Negativity

Here’s the link to my blogpost with all of the details:
My Hashimoto’s Diagnosis Video:

Remember, I’m not a doctor. This is just what works for me and what I learned from my endless research. Always do your own research and consult your doctor if you’re taking any medications!

Simply yours,
Vita xx

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The Way Of Natural Healing - Dr. John Christopher

School Of Natural Healing by Dr John R. Christopher (Book for Herbs) – (USA) (UK)

Dr. Christopher Herb Formulas:
Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment (USA)
Liver and Gall Bladder Formula (USA)
Kidney Formula (USA) (UK) (DE)

I stumbled upon Dr John R Christopher by accident and thought his teachings and wisdom were very interesting, so I decided to make a video about him. John Christopher is an herbalist, author and natural healer, he founded the school of natural healing in Utah. The clips in this video were filmed in 1980.

My website:
Video Rating: / 5


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HEAL while you SLEEP ~ With this UNBELIEVABLE POWER of the Mind

FINALLY! You Can Purchase this MP3 here:

Welcome to Dauchsy meditations. This meditation was made to help you with the physical and emotional healing that you need. Many people do not realize that it is truly our own body and mind that contribute the most to the healing process. Even when we take medication given by a doctor to help with an illness, it is the body that transforms these chemicals into useful tools to heal. Even the most modern medicine has not been able to figure out how to kill a virus in the body. The only thing that can kill that virus is our own body. It has become easy to depend on some type of medicine to cure our illnesses. And because of this We have lost touch with the fact that, we can heal ourselves. Now, this meditation will help you remember this fact. It will show you how powerful your body and mind truly are at healing. By using this meditation, you will gain the ability to focus your intentions on healing. You will focus your powerful subconscious on healing yourself. Do not worry if you fall asleep during the meditation, Your subconscious mind is most comfortable and open to suggestion when you are unconscious in a sleeping state. You may be asleep, but your subconscious mind is busy at work. Following this meditation every night will make the body and mind a powerful force of healing.
These last few minutes before you sleep, the time where you are in between being awake and asleep, it is the most important time for you to focus on the healing of the body. Your subconscious mind will take this information and use it for the next 8 hours of sleep.

I am now healing
I have the power to heal
I believe in my body’s innate ability to heal itself
I heal my body and mind with love and respect
I sleep soundly
My subconscious mind is now a tool for healing
I am now focusing my intention on healing
My body knows how to heal itself, and is doing so right now
My body is now attuned to the wisdom of the universe
My body is full of joy and vitality
Gratitude and peace flow through my body like a clear healing stream
I deserve to heal
I create an environment for health and healing
I am in alignment with my body’s ability to heal
I am so grateful now that I am healing
I can see now being completely healed

★Beginner’s Guided Meditation:
★Manifest Meditation:
★Sleep Meditation:
★Lose Weight Meditation:
★Stress Relief Meditation:
★How to Meditate:
★Benefits of Meditation:
★What I learned From 13 Years Meditation:
★Google+ Page:
Video Rating: / 5

Best treatment for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis | Ayurveda | Natural Healing | Herbal Remedies

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can be managed with Ayurvedic Medicine effectively. In this video, i discuss a small part of my protocol for healing this condition.

Don’t forget to subscribe!


To book a consultation, go to


This video is for the purpose of sharing information only and it not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or symptom. Always consult a doctor before taking herbal supplements, making dietary changes, or engaging in any therapeutic procedures.

This video and its content is copyrighted
Video Rating: / 5

About our Clinic | Mederi Centre for Natural Healing

The Mederi Centre for Natural Healing is a wholistic healing clinic located in Ashland, Oregon. Learn more about our clinic and our practitioners, Donnie Yance and Susan Saccomanno, in this short video.
Video Rating: / 5

What are Super Foods?

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Lee Health is a nationally recognized, award-winning health system in Southwest Florida. We are caring people, inspiring health.

It’s a trending phrase—but when we hear or see the words “super foods” health experts say to use caution. “A super food is more of a marketing term for them to basically talk about food that has supposed health benefits for you, whether it’s the nutritional profile of that food or the nutrient density of that food. Since there’s not really a regulatory definition for it people can call anything a super food,” explained Erika Graziani, an outpatient nutrition program coordinator with Lee Health.

There are foods that can give you super health benefits. “Foods you want to lean more towards, of course, they are going to be your whole plant foods because they have phytonutrients. The plant chemicals that offer antioxidants protection, helping fight against inflammation, and those are naturally found in many different plant foods,” said Graziani.

To feel your best, health experts recommend centering each meal around fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as opposed to meat, or foods that are high in fat. “The beauty of a lot of the whole plant foods is they’ve got a lot of nutritional value. They are packed full of vitamins, minerals, the phytonutrients, the fiber, for not very many calories,” she said.

As you plan your next meal, she recommends sticking to the colors of the rainbow—That’s where you’ll find foods with the most health benefits. “All of those different colors, not only do they have different vitamins, minerals, and things of that nature, a lot of those foods that come from plants are going to be a good source of fiber, which in itself is a great thing,” said Graziani.

Eating foods with too much sugar, fat, and salt can lead to health concerns like inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes—but choosing foods that are good for you will help you feel better and benefit your health long term.
Video Rating: / 5

These top 10 superfoods are a higher class of plant-based foods that are not as commonly known about but happen to be ten of our personal favorites.

Certain superfoods on this list may personally call out to you, whereas others might be less appropriate for you and your current health goals. Many can be easily added into blended shakes, recipe creations or consumed conveniently as a dietary supplement.

Recommended Top 10 Superfood Suppliers:

Reishi Extract Powder, Lost Empire Herbs, 100g –
Dragon Herbs Duanwood Reishi Extract, 100caps –
Spirulina Manna, Healthforce, Powder & Tabs –
C.C. Pollen, High Desert, Bee Pollen Granules, 16oz –
Navitas Organics, Hemp Seeds, 8oz –
Earth Circle, Raw Organic Hemp Seeds, 12oz –
He Shou Wu, Lost Empire Herbs, 100g –
Dragon Herbs, He Shou Wu Extract, 100caps –
Earth Circle, Organic Goji Berries, 1lb –
Seaweed Iceland, Kelp, Atlantic, Raw, 1.76oz –
Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Icelandic Kelp Powder, 1lb –

Top 10 Superfoods Page:

Additional Sourced Info:

Anticancer and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Ganoderma lucidum Extract Effects:
Ganoderma lucidum total triterpenes prevent radiation-induced DNA damage:
Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extract from Lingzhi or Reishi medicinal mushroom:
Anti-inflammatory activity of c-phycocyanin in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages:
Calcium spirulan derived from Spirulina platensis inhibits herpes simplex virus:
An evidence-based update on the pharmacological activities of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides:
Improvement effect of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on sub-health mice:
Comparative analysis of carotenoid accumulation in two goji (Lycium barbarum L. and L. ruthenicum Murr.) fruits:
Lycium barbarum (goji) juice improves in vivo antioxidant biomarkers in serum of healthy adults:
Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity in Human Skin:
Evaluation of the Nutritional and Metabolic Effects of Aloe vera:
Assessment of Anti HSV-1 Activity of Aloe Vera Gel Extract on Candida Albicans:
The Effects of Hempseed Meal Intake on Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hypercholesterolemia:
Polygonum multiflorum root extract as a potential candidate for treatment of early graying hair:
Neuroprotective effects of Polygonum multiflorum extract in HT22 hippocampal cells:
Antioxidant and Associated Capacities of Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia): A Systematic Review:
Dietary Sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin Carotenoids and Their Role in Eye Health:
Laminarin-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer LoVo cells:
Treatment of Hypothyroidism due to Iodine Deficiency Using Daily Powdered Kelp:
Anti-inflammatory effect of bee pollen ethanol extract:
Consumption of bee pollen affects rat ovarian functions:
Effect of different levels of bee pollen on performance and blood profile:
Hormone-Balancing Effect of Pre-Gelatinized Organic Maca:
Effect of three different cultivars of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on learning and depression:

All information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view of the author; not intended as medical advice,
diagnosis or prescription. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Video Rating: / 5

Natural Remedy That Helps Men To Last Long In Bed

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Natural Remedy That Helps Men To Last Long In Bed
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